Friday, October 14, 2016

Diary Post T4W1

In our class we've doing lots of things. In ballad we rhyme words we rhyme the second and the forth we wrote by stanza, stanza means 4 lines per rhyming the words like ABCB. In geometry tasks we answered the questions, the questions are about geometry that like what there meaning and what called the shape. In the Paper Mache we wet the newspapers and put it in the balloon and after we done we put glue then we put paper and let it dry then put wet newspapers and put glues.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Alien, Wizard and Assassin Ballad

 An alien and wizard same named Bob
Alien Bob traveling in the galaxy

Wizard Bob taming a mob

And Alien Bob arrived in planet Rob

And the Alien and the wizard met

The Alien Bob attack him with blast
And the blast was so fast
Wizard Bob some spell been cast

The alien called a backup
The wizard called some strong wizards
The alien and wizard called more backups
And something showed up its was just a lizard

Until there backups dead
And the two Bobs are stronger
That's why they can stand
And they need to wait for it they wait longer

And the attack is too strong and got weak
Then they are both dead
Because someone killed them
The assassin has fled

My reflection:

We are learning how to write a ballad. A ballad is a rhyming pattern with ABCB means the same letter that's where we rhyme the word and the stanza, stanza is made of 4 lines each. Its was difficult to rhyme the words. My ballad is about The Alien, Wizard and Assasin